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NIPA is promoting '3D printing utilization and awareness spread business' in earnest.
작성일 21-11-02 10:18
조회수 6,031


A project to revitalize 3D printing will be carried out in earnest to support Korea's manufacturing digital innovation and strengthening competitiveness in the 3D printing industry ecosystem.

The Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA, Director Kim Chang-yong) will invest 950 million won in government contributions to promote the "3D printing utilization and awareness spread support project" from this month to December. The 3D Printing Research Association (Chairman Park Young-seo) was selected as the entrusted organization to carry out the project, and the New Material Economic Daily and Insight Plus (CEO Lee Yong) will participate as the entrusted participating organizations.

The government enacted the "Three-Dimensional Printing Industry Promotion Act" with the aim of becoming a global leading 3D printing country and established the "3D Printing Industry Promotion Basic Plan" containing specific practical strategies. Through this, the domestic 3D printing market is also expected to grow 21.5% annually by 2023, recording 395.8 billion won, 16.3% year-on-year as of 2018, but there has been no successful commercialization of parts as it has been applied to manufacturing beyond prototype production. In addition, although technology such as equipment and materials has improved, it is difficult to export because it is still dependent on foreign products and most of the related companies are small and medium-sized companies.

Accordingly, NIPA will push for a "3D printing utilization and awareness spread project" so that domestic manufacturers can introduce 3D printing technology to strengthen their competitiveness and through this, professional 3D printing suppliers can grow together.

This project consists of a total of six, and as part of the spread of 3D printing utilization, △ 3D printing service voucher support △ 3D printing competition support △ 3D printing company overseas expansion support, △ 3D printing industry expansion education △ 3D printing industry research.

Voucher support, a 3D printing service, is a project that supports prototype production costs by linking small and medium-sized manufacturing companies and 3D printing suppliers that have difficulty commercializing due to the burden of 3D printing costs. Starting this month, 10 3D printing suppliers will be selected, and 70 companies will be selected around June, including machinery, parts, automobiles and aviation, electronics and consumer goods, medical and bio, and root industries. Manufacturing costs will be supported up to 4 million won for demanding companies.

The 3D printing competition is a project that supports commercialization and advancement by selecting 3D printing technology ideas applicable to manufacturing sites for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Korea. Outstanding works that have been applied and selected by May will be awarded prize money and awards along with commercialization subsidies.

Support for overseas expansion of 3D printing companies is a project to help domestic 3D printing companies with export competitiveness enter Formnext 2020, the world's largest additive manufacturing exhibition scheduled to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from November 10th to 13th. A total of 7 companies will be selected to prepare a Korean Pavilion and support the development of export markets through meetings with overseas 3D printing companies.

3D printing demand diffusion education for manufacturing company CEOs is a project to promote the introduction of 3D printing technology through customized training for manufacturing company CEOs who have no experience in using 3D printing or are only partially applying it. Starting in July, education will be provided to CEOs of small and medium-sized manufacturing such as ceramics, energy, carbon, and root industries by region, including Jeolla-do, Seoul, and Gyeongsang-do. After training, customized coaching for improving the 3D printing process will also be provided by matching 3D printing experts.

The 3D printing conference will be held to boost morale in the industry and improve and spread public awareness through introduction of the latest 3D printing technology and market trends, exhibition and promotion of excellent use cases, and rewards for merit. It will be a beneficial event where you can see not only technology trends but also the achievements of 3D printing excellent contents and voucher beneficiaries at a glance.

The 3D printing industry survey, which serves as a compass for deriving domestic 3D printing policies, will contain the basic status of businesses, sales information, manpower information, safety status survey, equipment and output service utilization status, difficulties, and policy demand. The survey is scheduled to take place in June.

The detailed announcement of the "3D Printing Utilization and Recognition Spread Support Project" will be posted on the 3D Printing Research Association ( and our website, and for more information, contact 031-5171-5917."

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