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Metal 3D printers that have boosted competitiveness through localization.
작성일 21-11-03 08:57
조회수 5,788


Patent registration for dust collecting equipment for metal AM developed by the company is KRW 189 million.

Domestic company Mrain Co., Ltd. recently introduced DAVID, a metal 3D printer. DAVID debuted in the Jewelry category from 2016 to 2017, and then began developing it in early 2018, and after two years of testing, it newly appeared for dental use in the first half of this year.  - Reporter Ha Jeonggon,


Miraein, who switched to a corporation in July 2016, participated in a pilot research project on the production of 3D printing technical horseshoe, completed the development of metal 3D printers (Jewelry) in 2017, and completed the 2019 KC certification, European CE certification, TUV certification, and tooth metal 3D printing process test.

DAVID is a PBF metal 3D printer. The PBF method selectively irradiates a powder-based material with a high-power laser, melts the powder, and compresses the material to have mechanical characteristics similar to those of general metal manufacturing methods.

CEO Park Heung-kyu explained, "Laser is usually 200W, but DAVID increased the output speed 1.5 times by increasing the laser power to 300W, and increased the competitiveness of the product to the maximum by increasing the ratio of localized parts to 80 percent."


In addition, the burden of operating expenses was reduced as much as possible by economically designing materials, consumables, and management methods through localization of material equipment. It is said that the cost of maintaining equipment is about 25,000 won per time, which is also inexpensive. The price is KRW 189 million (equipment operation S/W, including auxiliary facilities, Magics Metal AM permanent version, and nitrogen generation (domestic product), and self-developed dust collecting equipment for metal AM (Fume, Dust cleaning and filtering system) has been patented.


In particular, metal powder materials (cobalt chromium) have been localized and supplied smoothly, and are currently undergoing GMP certification by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Since equipment development and processing processes are directly carried out, it is possible to provide a solution to the process process and quality that have been problematic in the groundwork.

CEO Park said, "With rapid A/S within 24 hours, customers can respond smoothly and quickly to their needs, and Metal Powder has signed a contract with Atometal Tech Korea Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of a large Korean company, at a reasonable price. Powder will be certified around September this year, he said.

"DAVID first produced and sold four units for the education industry, and after certifying powder, we plan to actively market them in the second half of the year," said Lee Jung-seok, executive director of development. "Our goal is to be 21 units next year."

DAVID has been developed with pure domestic technology, increasing its competitiveness at bubble-free prices, and can utilize various materials using high-power lasers, Lee said. "It is 100% compatible with Magics and Netflix, a universal 3D printing software, and provides an open parameter that allows users to set parameters as they want."

Miraein is currently working with major domestic implant companies and dental prostheses in the dental implant-related sector. In particular, there are parts for tooth joints, ballpoint pens with grid structures, and jewelry, and collaboration with various other companies is underway.


Executive Director Lee Jung-seok, CEO Park Hung-kyu, and Chairman Hong Young-hwi of the Korea Crafts Association (from the left)

From the development stage, collaboration with the Korea Dental Cooperative Federation

Hong Young-hwi, chairman of the KDTCA, has been participating since the DAVID development stage.

Hong Young-hwi, chairman of the board, said, "The union has been collaborating with Mirae people for a long time, and the suitability of DAVID output was also satisfactory," adding, "DAVID has reduced costs through material localization, and A/S is more reliable because equipment developers are in charge of it." Since each technician has a different sense of familiarity with their hands, we put a lot of effort into quantifying the machine and matching the set value, he said.

Chairman Hong explained, "The director who wants to purchase can purchase it at a low cost by using the combination."



Source: Zero (

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