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K-AMUG-Metal 3D Training for 3D Printing of Hyundai Metal
작성일 21-11-02 08:56
조회수 4,564


K-AMUG, chairman Joo Seung-hwan, will spur education to spread additive manufacturing (3D printing) technology in manufacturing industries such as shipbuilding and heavy industry.

Hosted by K-AMUG and sponsored by Metal 3D, the "2019 Hyundai Heavy Industries Metal 3D Printing" training was held on the 19th for employees of Hyundai Heavy Industries (Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering) and affiliates' design teams.

This training consists of a plan to build a △ industrial additive manufacturing (AM) parts production system △ a new design method for 3D printing DfAM (stacked manufacturing specialized design) and application cases △ metal 3D printing equipment training △ actual part design.

K-AMUG has trained design personnel for metal 3D printing parts with the Ministry of Labor and Ulsan City for two years and has now produced more than 100 professionals. The association plans to further train human resources capable of actual part design and production and promote training consulting on metal 3D printing parts development customized for each large and small business.

Joo Seung-hwan, chairman of K-AMUG, said, "Through this training, Hyundai Heavy Industries will improve its work capabilities and competitiveness and contribute to revitalizing the 3D printing industry in Ulsan through actual mass production of parts."

Meanwhile, K-AMUG supports an industrial 3D printing employee education project (optimized design process for metal 3D printing application) hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and organized by the 3D Convergence Industry Association. Training is free of charge for incumbent employees and websites (https://forms).You can apply through gle/bFTxUkSEojM3qdp4A.


A propeller produced by 3D printing of metal jointly by Hyundai Heavy Industries and the Korea Stacking Manufacturers Association through government tasks.


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