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NIPA promotes a 2.85 billion 3D printing manufacturing innovation demonstration project.
작성일 21-11-02 09:25
조회수 5,824


The development of 3D printing parts processes that will be applied to seven manufacturing fields such as aviation, space, ·, defense, shipbuilding, power generation, and plants will be carried out in earnest.

The Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) announced that it will recruit a consortium by March 27th after announcing the "2020 3D Printing Manufacturing Innovation Demonstration Support Project.

The 3D printing manufacturing innovation demonstration support project aims to manufacture parts that will contribute to the advancement of seven manufacturing fields such as aviation, space, defense, shipbuilding, power generation, and plants, and secure optimal 3D printing mass production process technology.

Currently, the concept of 3D printing is expanding into additive manufacturing as it develops into a mass-production component production technology away from the existing prototype production. Overseas manufacturing companies are strengthening cooperation with 3D printing companies, and representatively, GE acquires a metal 3D printer company and establishes GE Additive, producing 2,000 units annually through stacking and manufacturing GE Airlines and aircraft engine fuel injection nozzles. As a result, the output service market is also expected to surge from $2.3 billion in 2017 to $27.3 billion in 2023.

In order to participate in this project, domestic 3D printing output service companies must form a consortium of demand manufacturing companies, and related companies and institutions such as research institutes, tests, certification, and operation can also participate.

The project period is three years from this year to 2022, and the agreement will be signed on a yearly basis according to the evaluation results. A total of three projects will be selected within one for each of the seven areas, with a total of 2.85 billion won, 950 million won per project.

For more information, contact the NIPA website or the ICT Ecosystem Headquarters 3D Printing Industry Team (043-931-5487,

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